Living Off Rentals Blog

The Incredible Benefit of Sustained Effort

Jan 15, 2020

“The problem is, these small things which are easy to do, are also just as easy not to do.” – Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

I am definitely not the smartest or most capable person for many of the pursuits in my life or business.  However, over the years, I have been able to realize a bit of traction toward my goals where I noticed others have struggled.

Recently I started thinking long and hard about why this was, and one reason quickly dominated all others: Sustained Consistency.

The entire book “The Compound Effect” written by Darren Hardy is devoted to this idea that small positive gains in your life, whether it’s mental, physical, spiritual, or financial, compound over time into huge positive results.

You can beat the competition by outlasting them, and it happens much quicker than you think.

From my experience in athletics, the military, and real estate, there are two types that typically see any success in larger undertakings, the naturally gifted and the sustainers.

The naturally gifted see success quickly, but this can sometimes lead to a lesser degree of long-term success due to less time accumulating knowledge in the field being pursued.

The second group of people is the sustainers.  These are people who don’t possess the natural ability to come out of the gate with huge wins but are willing to take the day-to-day actions that, over time, compound into big gains.

Buying one rental property may produce $300-$500 in cash flow per month which probably won’t change your life much.

However, if you stay consistent and buy one per quarter for just three years, you now will then have 12 cash flowing rental properties.  At $400 per rental, that is an extra $4,800 of income – month over month – forever.

Anyone can do this without changing a whole lot in their day to day lives. Consistency pays!

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